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The 14th Five-Year Plan Series: Basic introduction
Citizenship and Social Development
The 14th Five-Year Plan Series: Basic introduction
"In 2021, the country formulated the "14th Five-Year Plan", which set the direction for China's future development in the next five years (2021-2025) and depicted the blueprint for development. What exactly is the 14th Five-Year Plan? What are the key contents and objectives? The 14th Five-Year Plan Series: Basic introduction, as the first chapter, provides an introduction to the subject in a simple and easy-to-understand style.
Fun Learning of Chinese History
Personal, Social and Humanities Education
Fun Learning of Chinese History
"The project aims at enhancing primary students’ interest in learning Chinese History, through enriching the learning and teaching resources.
Chinese Language Education
Chinese Language Education
"對偶是古詩文中常見的修辭手法。 兩句句子往往字數相等、結構相同、詞性相對。 現代語文也不時會用到對偶句,以表現出工整之美。
Chinese Language Education
Indian dance series : Bollywood Dance
Physical Education
Indian dance series : Bollywood Dance
"Bollywood dance is the dance performed in Bollywood movies. The Bollywood dance style is a beautiful blend of all Indian dance styles be it classical Indian dance, folk Indian dance or the more current R&B, hip hop music.  Some people love Bollywood dances because there are no defined rules like classical dance styles. Some people love Bollywood because it exposes them to Indian culture.  Others enjoy the vibrant music and colorful outfits.  Whatever the reason, Bollywood dancing is a small glimpse into Indian culture that everyone should experience!
An Archaeological Miracle Unearthed - The Tomb of Marquis of Haihun
Personal, Social and Humanities Education
An Archaeological Miracle Unearthed - The Tomb of Marquis of Haihun
"During the Western Han Dynasty, Liu He, the Marquis of Haihun, experienced various social statuses, including duke, emperor, commoner, and marquis, throughout his life. More than 2,000 years later, archaeologists discovered his tomb, an important archaeological discovery in China. What caused the ups and downs in Liu’s life? What is the significance of his tomb?
Celebrities in Opera and History
Personal, Social and Humanities Education
Celebrities in Opera and History
"Opera is a traditional art form and popular entertainment in China. The plots often involve historical events, the authenticity of which is debatable. This topic restores the historical origins of ten classic opera stories, including the celebrities portrayed in them and those in history.
Robot Workshop – Theory
Technology Education
Robot Workshop – Theory
"This book shares the theory and programming behind the creation and operation of robots, allowing teachers to master the skill and provide students with a brand-new experience.
Whole School Curriculum Planning on STEM Education (3)
Technology Education
Whole School Curriculum Planning on STEM Education (3)
"This project aims at establishing an interschool professional exchange network and to support core schools in implementing school-based STEM curriculum planning and development. Through hands-on and minds-on exploratory activities in General Studies, students' capabilities to integrate and apply knowledge and skills are strengthened. Students are encouraged to make good use of design cycle and unleash their creativity. Programming is also applied to develop students' computational thinking. This book shares related teaching plans developed by participating schools.