Recommended resources - General Studies for Primary Schools

General Studies for Primary Schools
Let's STEM 推行校本STEM教育計劃
General Studies for Primary Schools
Let's STEM 推行校本STEM教育計劃
General Studies for Primary Schools
"賽馬會「新冠肺炎緊急援助基金」捐助教育燃新、順德聯誼總會李金小學以身心健康為主題,設計並製作有趣及以正向為題的四集動畫故事,帶出正向教育、社交緒情教育等訊息,培養學生的正確價值觀及態度。   此外,為協助老師們推動正向班級經營,設計及製作正向班級經營教材套(如至正情緒小偵探、至正情緒多面睇)、2張海報(至正眼部瑜伽、至正心呼吸法)、1套至正Relax法寶盒(6張自我放鬆及鼓勵卡)及1張至正Post card供教師下載。順德聯誼總會李金小學葉碧君副校長創作及設計所有內容,如動畫故事、參考指引、Relax法寶盒及海報等。
COVID-19 Educational Resources – Positive Energy, Fight the Virus Together
General Studies for Primary Schools
COVID-19 Educational Resources – Positive Energy, Fight the Virus Together
"Jockey Club’s “COVID-19 Emergency Fund” has sponsored Lee Kam Primary School to create “Positive Fighter” themed characters and stories. This includes 7 four-grid comics and 4 episodes of animated stories. All stories feature a message that include values education, positive education, mental and physical health education and personal hygiene education. Each four-grid comic includes an educational guideline brochure. Also, students can cultivate positive values and attitudes through playing the “Wonderful Life” online game that they can download. They can create and send greeting cards through the ecard platform and show their care for others during the time of COVID-19 as well.